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当前位置:首页 > 餐饮资讯 > 重客隆超市推出“初冬进补美食周”
作者:敬博 来源:舌尖上的重庆网 时间:2013-11-24
本网讯 日前,重庆商投集团旗下重客隆超市推出“初冬进补美食周”,从2013年11月24日至11月30日期间。火锅底料、汤料、猪肉、西式糕点等均享有不同的折扣价,推出了购生鲜类、购食品类、购麻油类和速冻类等不同的优惠折扣,回报消费者活动。
The news a few days ago, Chongqing commercial investment group under heavy Ke Long supermarket launched the "winter tonic food week", during the period from November 24, 2013 to November 30th. Hot pot bottom material, soup, pork, western style cakes are enjoy different discount price, launched a discount buy fresh, buy food, buy hemp oil and frozen and so different, the return of consumers activities. Edit: Jing Bo